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A Journey from Foothills of the Himalayas to Accounting Excellence in New York City

Welcome to, where the captivating journey of our founder, Suraj Jaswal, unfolds. From the serene Himalayan foothills to the bustling streets of New York City, Suraj's remarkable experiences paved the way for the birth of, your trusted partner in bookkeeping, accounting, and tax services.

A Legacy of Corporate Excellence

Suraj Jaswal's path to accounting prowess took shape through tenures at Citigroup, MetLife, and JLC Environmental Consultants, Inc. These experiences molded his dedication to excellence and set the stage for his future endeavors.

Born and raised amidst the picturesque foothills of the Himalayas in northern India, Suraj Jaswal embarked on a transformative journey that would eventually shape the trajectory of his professional life. After completing a BA and MA in Psychology, Suraj Jaswal ventured across continents, landing in the vibrant heart of New York City in 1998.

Humble Beginnings

Unambiguous Finances

Armed with an MBA (Finance) from Baruch College (CUNY), guided by the principles of technological innovation and client-centric service, Suraj Jaswal envisions a future where small business owners can navigate their financial landscape with confidence.

Suraj Jaswal's remarkable financial acumen played a pivotal role in eliminating over $250,000 of long-term debt at JLC Environmental Consultants, Inc transforming it into a financially stable entity. His commitment to community service and not-for-profit organizations further deepened his financial insight.

Championing Financial Stability

The Birth of

Empowering Small Businesses in the Digital Age

In response to the evolving business landscape post-COVID-19, Suraj Jaswal created, a virtual hub for small businesses seeking accessible, reliable, and cost-effective financial solutions. With technology and client-centricity at its core, is a beacon of financial empowerment.

We take the hassle out of bookkeeping with reliable tech and a dedicated bookkeeper. Start in minutes with a free consultation.


We spend all day ensuring you stay tax-ready all year long. Fire yourself as the accountant, hire us, and take back your time.


Discover the power of Virtual CFO Services – your key to achieving financial excellence and sustainable growth.

Virtual CFO

Our Services

Three ways iAccountant helps your business grow.

Campaign Finance and Complaince

Supporting NYC Political Candidates

With Suraj Jaswal's extensive experience in the NYC political arena and campaign finance training, now offers specialized services for political candidates in the New York City area. We understand the unique financial demands of political campaigns and are here to ensure meticulous accounting, timely filings, and compliance with the NYC Campaign Finance Board's regulations.

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Maximize Your Return With Minimal Effort

Spend time doing what you love to do. Run your business. Go on a date. Get more sleep. Have some fun! You deserve it.


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